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80% of Organizations See Security Threats Increase Due to Remote Work

Security implications with working remotely became top of mind in 2020.  Last year many organizations had to make a shift when employees were forced to work from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  Many took home monitors and keyboards and logged in from home offices (or kitchens and couches). This shift was a big change for most workers and had both benefits and drawbacks.

Microsoft recently published its New Future of Work Report which outlines research into the pandemic’s’ impact on work practices. This report is 65 pages full of information and research on everything from chair ergonomics to the societal implications of working from home.

This report offered some stats on IT and Security and how remote working has affected the security of organizations overall. Microsoft surveyed security admins and IT professionals for specific data on these trends:

  • 80% of organizations surveyed stated they encountered some degree of increase in the amount of security threats
  • 62% said phishing campaigns were the most increased security threat

If you have concerns about the security implications of members of your organizations working from home, Box Lake Networks can schedule a free consultation to go over the risks and solutions that can mitigate those risks.

Contact us!

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